مكتب بوابة الابتعاث للدراسة بالخارج

Education Gate

Study Abroad

تنبيه هام :

نود إحاطة جميع العملاء بأننا تلقينا بلاغات أن هناك من يحاول انتحال صفة مكتب بوابة الابتعاث بهدف الاحتيال. يرجى العلم أن جميع تعاملاتنا تتم حصريًا عبر حساباتنا الرسمية “edugateksa” ورقم الجوال الموثوق به “0546446860”. ننصحكم باتخاذ أقصى درجات الحذر وعدم التعامل مع أي أرقام أو حسابات أخرى.

Education Gate

Established in 2023, the Education Gate for Study Abroad Office is dedicated to empowering Saudi students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. Our comprehensive services and expert guidance pave the way for students to pursue their English language learning aspirations at esteemed universities and educational institutions around the globe.


Summer Camp

Summer is an exceptional opportunity for children to enjoy fun games and activities, acquire new skills, and make new friends. Recognizing the importance of this stage, the Education Gate Office for Study Abroad offers a distinguished summer camp program for students aged 7-17 years, carefully designed to provide an unforgettable and exciting summer experience. Seize the opportunity and enroll your children and benefit from the offers of the Education Gate Office for Study Abroad

English Course

English is the language of the modern era, the language of science and communication, the language of knowledge and business, and it is a golden key to open the horizons of the future and seize the diverse opportunities in various fields of life. In recognition of the importance of this language, the Education Gate Office for Study Abroad is committed to providing distinguished programs for studying the English language in the best universities and international institutes, harnessing its extensive experience and distinguished services to help students achieve their academic and professional goals.

University Programs

Pursuing a university education is a cherished dream for many students, opening doors to a world of knowledge and equipping them with the skills to thrive in diverse fields. Recognizing the significance of this milestone, the Education Gate Office provides exceptional services to assist students in realizing their university aspirations through carefully crafted scholarship programs tailored to their unique needs and ambitions.

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